If you’re in the food and beverage business, then you probably already know that you’ll have to work with a lot of different people on the path towards success. At Dynamic Retail, we pride ourselves on having a vast network of professionals that can help businesses across Australia, and beyond, reach their goals when it comes to making a profit. Just one of the experts that we can help to connect your company with, is a food distributor. Food distributors are the people that act as a kind of middleman between the manufacturer, or the person who produces the food, and the customer (or retailer). These individuals purchase a range of products, including products have grown directly on the farm, then sell them off to a range of customers, including food service businesses like restaurants, grocery stores, and supermarkets.
What are the Different Kinds of Food Distributor?
There are many different kinds of food distributor. Some distributors purchase a range of different organic and conventional products, while some specialize in organic food, local produce, or beverages. The best thing that you can do for your company is work with a distributor that has experience in your chosen area.
A food distributor is particularly useful if you have a high volume of produce to sell. These individuals can reduce the amount of labor you need to put into directly marketing your products, and can also assist with the other complications that might arise when you decide to sell products directly from your warehouse.
At Dynamic Retail, we can help you to find the right distributor for your situation, so you don’t have to waste time searching through experts to find the professional assistance you need.
What do you Need to Know Before Working with a Distributor?
The simple answer to this question is that you’ll need to be sure that your products and processes for production meet the requirements of your chosen distributor. In other words, you’ll need to have a:
- Legal product: You’ll have to ensure that the regulations in your local area mean that your product can be legally sold. You should check with your Department of Health and your Department of Agriculture if you’re not sure.
- Proper documentation: The kind of documentation that you’ll need to get to work will vary depending on the type of distributor you’re working with. However, most will appreciate it if you have a food safety plan in place, as well as evidence to show that you’re creating your products according to the best industry standards. You’ll also need product liability insurance and certificates that help to back up the claims that you make about your product. For example, you might need organic certification if you’re trying to sell organic produce.
- Packaging: You can speak to your distributor in depth about how they would prefer your item to be packaged. Most of these experts are responsible for handling products in bulk, and that means that they need to have options available for handling and protecting products efficiently. Packing needs to be standardized and durable in terms of weight for each box.
- Labels: Finally, your product will need to be labeled with everything from your own private branding, to a specific lot number so that distributors can trace the product back to you. You may also need to include a list of ingredients.
Tips for Working with your Distributor
At Dynamic Retail, we try to make sure that your first relationship with a distributor goes as smoothly as possible, keeping your relationships healthy and strong. Ideally, you should aim to invest in a long-term relationship. That means communicating clearly with your distributors and staying in contact with them during the off-season so that you can maintain your relationship. You will also need to provide your distributors with plenty of availability information, so they know you’re reliable.
At the same time, remember to be professional. Ensure that you provide your distributor with the quality product that they expect, and adhere to their documentation and safety standards, as well as following their rules on packaging and other regulations.
At Dynamic Retail solutions, we can help you to start your relationship with distributors on the right foot! Contact Steve today to get started on 0424 503 837.