Tag Archives: popular australian products in china

Tips and Tricks on Selling Australian Products in the Asian Market

Tips and Tricks on Selling Australian Products in the Asian Market

Asia is by far one of the largest growing markets in the world. As opportunities for food exportation go, Australians will have a tough time finding a selling solution more lucrative than the Chinese industry. In fact, if you’re one of the many food companies in Australia developing and selling confectionery products, it might interest […]

Exporting Products to the Grab and Go Market in China

Exporting Products to the Grab and Go Market in China

Exporting products can be a complicated process – particularly when you’re adhering to a brand-new market. In China, there are countless opportunities to expand your sales and improve your brand awareness, but at the same time, you’re placing yourself in a particularly challenging position. After all, not only do you have to think about export […]