Exporting Products to the Grab and Go Market in China

Exporting Products to the Grab and Go Market in China

Exporting products can be a complicated process – particularly when you’re adhering to a brand-new market. In China, there are countless opportunities to expand your sales and improve your brand awareness, but at the same time, you’re placing yourself in a particularly challenging position. After all, not only do you have to think about export regulations, but you also need to consider how you’re going to market your product to a different type of customer.

Chinese customers may not be looking for the same features in their food products as the average Aussie customer. That means that when you’re selling dried Australian fruit and nuts, or any other product you can think of – you need to adjust your marketing strategy to meet the needs of your new, target audience.

Downsizing for the Fast-Paced Culture

In China, one of the biggest and most popular food-based phenomenon’s you’ll find, is that everyone wants to be constantly on the go. In a world full of hectic lifestyles, the Chinese often do “on-the-go” better than anyone – with smaller packaging sizes that facilitate the option to “Grab and Go”.
This culture for “grab and go” packaging makes a lot of sense, because it allows people to avoid the complications of lugging around huge, bulky products. Unlike in Australia where many consumers head to the supermarket and then head home with more bags of shopping than they can carry, in China many customers prefer to grab little items as and when they need them.

What Does This Mean for your Packaging Process?

So, what does the grab and go solution mean for your exportation plans?

Well, if you’re considering shipping your products over to China, then you’re going to need to start thinking about what size product and packaging type suit the needs of the Chinese consumer.
It is also imperative to ensure that the needs of the retailer selling your product. How will they display your products, what sizes packaging fits their shelves – will your product be competitive against similar products from other suppliers – how will you differentiate your product?

At the same time, you may need to rethink your pricing structure – how does your product compete at price point and how will your product ‘stand out’ in the crowd?

Packaging can be vital to sales success in this high growth area of consumer convenience.

Simply put, the popularity of the “Grab & Go” packaging strategy in China means that you’ll need to think carefully about the wide range of factors that come into play when exporting your products into a new location. Besides quarantine laws and taste preferences, packaging choices can play a huge part in determining whether you’ll get the success you’re looking for with your exportation plans, or whether your items are too bulky, and simply get left on the shelves!

Interested in exploring this further? Speak to Jeff today on 0411 243 244